Thursday, June 29, 2006

Poems for Palestine

Just as the birds flutter their wings… care free
And the sky begs the sun to come out and wipe its tears
Palestinian women cry for their pain to be known
And the grieve and agony they suffer from the death of their born

Just as we enjoy a sip of coffee in the morning
While we enjoy the beauty of the flowers in the spring
And dance to the rhythm of the music while we sing
Palestinian women suffer every second of the day
And wish to be invisible or numb to all their pain

Just as we enjoy the peacefulness of a full moon
While we sit on our porch rocking our fancy chair
Palestinian women beg the foreign policies to be fair
And stop all the blood shed of the innocent and the young

But does this stop the earth from orbiting around the sun??
Or a Palestinian child getting killed by an Occupier gun??

Source :

Thursday, June 22, 2006


At-Tirmizi mengikhraj hadith dari Anas r.a. dari Nabi s.a.w.; beliau bersabda :

إن لكل شيء قلبا وقلب القران يس ومن قرأ يس كتب الله له بقراءتها قراءة القران عشر مرات

"Sungguh bagi tiap sesuatu adalah jantung sedang jantung al-Quran adalah surah Yasin; maka Allah mencatat untuknya sebab bacaan surah Yasin tersebut senilai bacaan al-Quran sepuluh kali."

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. juga bersabda :

من داوم على يس كل ليلة ثم مات مات شهيدا

"Barang siapa mengamalkan bacaan surah Yasin setiap malam lalu dia meninggal maka ia mati syahid."

إن فى القران سورة يشفع قا رءها ويغفر لمستمعها ألا وهي يس

"Sungguh di dalam al-Quran terdapat surah di mana pembacanya disyafa'ati dan di ampun pendengarnya; ingat itulah surah Yasin."

Source : Ustaz Muhd Abd Ghani

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wahai sahabatku...

Fajar menyingsing di pagi hari,
Menerangi seluruh pelusuk bumi.
Kerap ku terfikir seorang diri,
Apakah tujuan terciptanya diri ini?

Hidup di dunia hanyalah sementara,
Akhirat jua kekal selamanya.
Ku susun sepuluh jari, berdoa seraya,
Tiadakah lagi kedamaian di dunia?

Pasang surut silih berganti,
Patah tumbuh hilang berganti.
Kami insan tiada upaya diri,
Ya Allah ku akui, lemahnya diri ku ini.

Berkumandang azan bertalu-talu,
Di pagi yang dingin penuh syahdu.
Aku berdiri menyambut seruan Mu,
Mengharapkan keredhaan tulus daripada Mu

Ya Allah ya tuhanku,
Hatiku risau tiada terperi.
Ku menadahkan tangan bedoa kepadamu,
Di manakah tempatku ku di akhirat nanti?

Hari demi hari terus berlalu,
Memamah zaman yang kini semakin rapu.
Alangkah indahnya jika ku dapat tatap wajahmu
Ya Rasulullah, aku rindu kepadamu!

Kitab suci Allah sebuah mukjizat
Tibanya hisab engkaulah pemberi syafa’at
Ingin ku bertemu dengan mu nanti di akhirat
Pimpinlah tanganku melalui titian Sirat!

Ya Allah ku rindukan SyurgaMu,
Ya Rasul ku rindukan Syafa'atmu.
Ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa ku,
Terimalah aku sebagai ummatmu.

Berlinang air mata membasahi pipi,
BerTahajjud seorang di malam yang sepi.
Tunjukkan aku jalan yang diredhai,
Supaya tenang ketika dicabut nyawaku nanti.

Ya Allah maafkan aku akan keterlaluan diriku,
Segala keterlanjuran berpunca dari kesilapan ku.
Kini ku ingin mendekatkan diri kepada Mu
Supaya dapat ku jejak taman Syurga Mu

Warkah ini hanya cebisan kehidupanku,
Untuk pedoman bagi yang ingin mendekatiMu
Ku bersyukur kerana diberi pertunjuk kepadaku
Janganlah berlengah lagi wahai SAHABATKU…...

Karangan Ramizan Bin Rassol (Hak cipta terpelihara)

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Muslims are bound by Islamic Laws. And the best sociopolitical system prescribe for Muslims and the whole human kind is Khilafah, rules and laws of Holy Quran and Sunnah. Muslims were ruled under Khilafah for 1400 years.

Caliph is the term or title for the Islamic leader of the Ummah, or community of Islam. It is an Anglicized/Latinized version of the Arabic word or Khalifah (listen ? (help·info)) which means "successor", that is, successor to the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). Some academics prefer to transliterate the term as Khalîf. The caliph has often been referred to as Ameer al-Mumineen or "Prince of the Faithful," where "Prince" is used in the context of "commander."

After the first four caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan, and Ali ibn Abi Talib) the title was claimed by the Umayyads, the Abbasids, and the Ottomans, as well as by other, competing lineages in Spain, Northern Africa, and Egypt. Most historical Muslim rulers simply titled themselves sultans or emirs, and gave token obedience to a caliph who often had very little real authority. The title has been defunct since the Republic of Turkey abolished the Ottoman caliphate in 1924.

The Islamic Khilafah is the way of ruling the Islamic Ummah after the death of the prophet (S.A.W.). The Islamic Khilafah can be rightly guided, i.e., if it is according to the prophet's method. The rightly-guided Islamic Khilafah was established at the times of the rightly-guided Khalifahs after the prophet (S.A.W.) (Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, and another Khalifah who are frequently mentioned among the rightly-guided Khalifahs; Omar Bin Abdul-Aziz) (R.A.) These Khalifahs were rightly called "the rightly-guided Khalifahs" because one of their unique situation was that they were chosen by the Ummah (people) to rule.

In accordance with Islam, it is the duty of the Muslims world wide to elect a Khalifah. Such an appointment is seen as a duty (fard) similar to all other duties within Islam. The duty is seen as inevitable, and any divergence from the path is considered a grave sin, and therefore any neglect of this duty will be punished accordingly. The establishment of a Khilafah is seen as vital, because without it Islam cannot possibly be applied.

It has been reported on the authority of Nafi that Abdullah ibn Umar said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say:"One who dies without having bound himself by an oath of allegiance (to an Amir) will die the death of one belonging to the days of Jahiliyyah." (Muslim)

It has been Narrated on the authority of Abdullah b Amir b al-As that he heard the Prophet (SAW) say:"He who swears allegiance to a Khalifah should give him the pledge of his hand and the sincerity of his heart (i.e. submit to him both outwardly as well as inwardly). He should obey him to the best of his capacity. If another man comes forward (as claim ant to Khalifah) disputing his authority, they (the Muslims) should behead the latter." (Muslim).

Monday, June 12, 2006

Misyar Marriage from an Islamic Perspective

Misyar marriage can be defined as a marriage contract between a man and a woman, in which the woman waives some of the rights she would have in a normal Islamic marriage. This sometimes takes place when, for example, there are many women who, as they get older, find it increasingly difficult to marry. In this case a woman opts for a husband who is not able to fulfil the normal marital duties like financial maintenance, or spending adequate time with her, for example. She considers that marrying such a husband is better than remaining unmarried.

It’s noteworthy that once a marriage contract meets its Shari`ah requirements, it will be acceptable from the Islamic points of view irrespective of what people call such contract. Conditions of valid marriage are: The consent of both spouses, the consent of the Wali (guardian), the payment of the dower, the presence of the witnesses, and the announcement of the contract.

It goes without saying that valid marriage should not be limited to a certain period of time; otherwise it will be reckoned as a Mut`ah (temporal) marriage which is prohibited in Islam.

Dealing with this subject, the eminent Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, states:

Misyar marriage should be viewed as a form of legal relationship between man and woman regardless of any description attached to it. This is pursuant to the juristic rule: "What matters most in contracts are motives and meaning, not the wording or structure."

Therefore, in determining the legal nature of this marriage, we should not judge things according to names, for as we know, people feel free in naming or describing something.

There is nothing new about this kind of marriage. It is in one way or another very similar to what is known as `Urfi marriage or non-documented marriage.

Stipulating certain details in the marriage contract on both sides is acceptable. For example, some `Ulama (scholars) maintain that a woman has a right to determine the timing of marriage; i.e., it can take place at day or night, however, she can also waive this right.

Therefore, based on what has been mentioned, we can state that Misyar marriage, or something in similar form, has been in practice from time immemorial. It also serves the purpose of some women, who, for instance, may be rich but happen to be unable to marry at the proper time. So, such women can opt for this kind of marriage.

But I do have to make it clear that the aforementioned statement does not make me a protagonist of Misyar marriage. In all my Fatwas and sermons, it is not mentioned anywhere that I give any support for such marriage.

The point is that when I was asked by a journalist to state my opinion regarding this marriage, I found it a pressing religious duty to give a clear-cut opinion on something that does not make unlawful what Almighty Allah has made lawful for His servants.

Therefore, if anyone seeks my opinion on this marriage, I must reply him saying: What do you mean by Misyar marriage. However, if I get an explanation that shows that in Misyar marriage, all the Islamic legal requirements are met, then the marriage is valid.

Those requirements are: an offer and acceptance from both parties; a specified dowry, according to the Qur'anic verse: "And give unto the women, (whom ye marry) free gift of their marriage portions" (An-Nisa': 4), and that the contract wins the consent of the guardian. Thereby, no one has the right to brandish it as unlawful.

There is no doubt that such marriage may be somehow socially unacceptable, but there is a big difference between what is Islamically valid and what is socially acceptable. As we know, people can be cynical about the idea of an employee marrying his employer. But who can deny the validity of such a marriage if it meets all the legal requirements?

This issue, therefore, needs a cautious approach. One should not feel free to condemn an act as absolutely forbidden, merely on social repugnance. Rather, one needs to have convincing evidence to determine the legal nature of each particular act.

Taken from

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Rumahtangga Bahagia

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم . والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الانبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلام

1 :: Sering melakukan kegiatan bersama-sama seperti makan bersama, keluar berjalan berdua-duaan, beriadah dan mandi bersama.
2 :: Galakkan isteri tidur di atas lengan suami. Isteri yang penyayang akan berada di belakang bahu sebelah kanan suami ketika berjalan.
3 :: Jaga agar mulut dan badan tidak berbau agar suami sentiasa mahu berseronok dengan isteri
4 :: Isteri yang hangat dan romantis sentiasa mengharapkan suaminya berada di rumah bersama-samanya.
5 :: Tukar gaya penampilan setelah beberapa ketika untuk mengelakkan jemu kepada pasangan.
6 :: Kreatif mencipta suasana yang harmoni dan tenang dalam rumah tangga.
7 :: Sekiranya ada pergaduhan atau pertengkaran, cuba ingat kembali kenangan manis semasa bercinta dan berbulan madu.
8 :: Kenangkan jasa dan susah payah isteri mengandung dan melahirkan anak.
9 :: Sekiranya berlaku penceraian (bagi pasangan Islam untuk talak satu dan dua saja) jangan mudah menghalau isteri keluar dari rumah sebelum habis edah kerana mungkin suami isteri berminat untuk bersatu kembali (rujuk).
10 :: Suami kena lebih mesra dengan keluarga mentua kerana sekiranya rumahtangga menghadapi masalah, ibu bapa mentua boleh membantu dari segi nasihat.
11 :: Suami jangan tumpu perhatian yang berlebihan kepada dunia luar berbanding keluarga sendiri.
12 :: Isteri jangan lebih banyak masa menyibukkan diri dengan dunia luar, seperti aktif dengan kegiatan persatuan, berpolitik atau terbabit dengan jualan langsung.
13 :: Sentiasa berlembut dari segi percakapan, layanan kepada pasangan dan pergaulan sesama ahli keluarga.
14 :: Isteri perlu berhias lebih kepada suaminya berbanding apabila keluar rumah.
15 :: Menjawab setiap pertanyaan suami dengan lembut.
16 :: Pasangan tua, terutama isteri jangan terlalu rapat dengan cucu, tidur dengan cucu dan tinggalkan suami tidur sendirian.
17 :: Sekiranya ada masalah, bawalah berbincang. Jangan bertengkar dan masing-masing menegakkan pendapat sendiri.
18 :: Fahami dan hayati sifat pasangan dan anak-anak. Suami disifatkan seperti matahari sentiasa panas, isteri bulan; cantik, lembut dan indah dipandang, manakala anak-anak pula umpama bintang iaitu sifatnya sebagai penghibur dalam rumah tangga.
19 :: Suami isteri perlu mengekalkan sifat romantis dan sentiasa berhati muda walaupun masing-masing sudah berusia.
20 ::Anak-anak jangan dipaksa mengikut telunjuk dan kehendak ibu bapa tetapi beri mereka pilihan yang sesuai tetapi sentiasa awasi mereka.
21 ::Ketua rumah tangga yang bijak sentiasa ada perancangan jangka panjang untuk ahli keluarganya. Sama ada dari segi kewangan, pelajaran dan tempat percutian.
22 :: Keluarga Islam, pastikan sekurang-kurangnya dua waktu sembahyang berjemaah bersama-sama ahli keluarga - merapatkan hubungan dan kemesraan.
23 ::Jangan beri ahli keluarga makanan yang tidak halal atau diragui kehalalannya kerana bermula dari makanan membentuk air mani dan melahirkan generasi seterusnya.

These tips were received via E-Mail from Syarina M Ismail (شكرا جزيلا)

Friday, June 02, 2006


Tuhanku Aku tidak layak
Untuk SyurgaMu
Tetapi aku tidak pula sanggup
Menanggung siksa NerakaMu

Dari itu kurniakanlah
Ampunan kepadaku
Ampunkanlah dosaku
Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Pengampun
Dosa-dosa besar